Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as autologous conditioned plasma, is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells.These injections are gaining popularity for a variety of conditions, from sports injuries to hair loss. To create platelet-rich plasma, clinicians take a blood sample from the patient and place it into a device called a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. PRP injections can be effective in treating male pattern baldness, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. PRP can also aid in the stimulation of hair growth after hair transplants.
Benefits of PRP:
Stimulate Collagen Production
Plump Sagging Skin
Treat Hyperpigmentation
Improve Hair Health & Volume