In male and female pattern baldness, many hair follicles still exist but are dormant. The search for new drugs that reawaken follicles and induce hair growth has been limited by the field’s focus on finding drugs that work along the same pathways as finasteride and minoxidil, the only two drugs currently available for men with male pattern baldness.
Christiano and her colleagues previously discovered a new pathway, called JAK-STAT, that is active inside the stem cells of resting hair follicles and keeps them in a dormant state. They previously demonstrated that JAK inhibitors applied to mouse skin are a potent way to reawaken resting hair follicles in mice.
In their latest study, the researchers wanted to get a detailed picture of the natural processes that keep follicles dormant, so they looked for factors that controlled the JAK pathway activity in the hair follicle.
By Columbia University Irving Medical Center. On June 25, 2019. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/studies-uncover-new-approaches-combat-hair-loss-men-and-women