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Failed Hair Transplant Help

Hair Restoration After Failed Hair Transplant

What Happens If Hair Transplant Fails?

Having a failed hair transplant can be disheartening, but it’s important to know that there are options available for hair restoration. By waiting at least a year after your previous surgery, you can undergo a hair repair procedure in Miami.

This procedure involves transplanting new hair or removing and re-implanting grafts to achieve a desirable hairline and cover any scars. Sometimes, two surgeries may be necessary for optimal results.

At American Mane, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the hair you desire, even if you’ve had a failed hair transplant in the past. Contact us today to learn more about our hair restoration services.

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Advantages and Disadvantages OF Hair Restoration After Failed Hair Transplant


Donar Area Recovery: The principal disadvantage is the donor area. Since you already had a procedure, you have a window of time to do this treatment. When it comes to the recipient area, it has fewer chances to recover than virgin scalp areas, which can affect the final result of the transplant.
Direction Of Hair Dictates Treatment: If the direction of the hair is not like it should be, and no suitable donor is given, a Repair Hair Transplant would be not possible.


Ability To Fix Hairline And Implement New Hair: One of the benefits is that we can fix a hairline and implement new hair, giving you the looks you’ve always wanted!
Focus On High Density: Since we can extract many grafts, we can focus on high density, and your hair would look very natural without leaving empty spaces.

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Contact Us For More Information

If you would like to find out more about this high-tech treatment for hair loss, contact American Mane today. We can help you discuss your options and arrange a free consultation.