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Patient Info

Norwood Hair Scale

What Is Norwood Hair Scale?

The Hamilton–Norwood hair scale is used to classify male pattern baldness. The scale uses numbers from 1 to 7. Doctors use it to determine the severity of hair loss and how to treat it. Higher numbers indicate more severe hair loss.

7 Stages Of Hair Loss


No significant hair loss or recession of the hairline.


A slight recession of the hairline around the temples, also known as an adult or mature hairline.


Hair loss becomes more noticeable, prompting consideration for potential treatments. The temples recede, forming an M, U, or V shape, while balding spots emerge.


Hairline recession becomes more severe than in Stage 2, resulting in sparse or no hair on the vertex. A band of hair connects the two areas of hair loss to the remaining hair on the sides of the scalp.


Treating hair loss at this stage can be challenging as the band of hair surrounding the scalp begins to narrow, connecting to the side of the scalp.


The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head diminishes or becomes sparse.


This stage represents the most severe level of hair loss, where the top of the head is entirely bald, and only a band of hair remains around the sides.

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