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Minoxidil, Finasteride and Dutasteride Treatment

Safe And Effective Finasteride And Dutasteride Medication

At the American Mane Hair Restoration Center in Aventura, medication treatment options are available for hair loss. Patients can use dutasteride and finasteride to restore hair. If you’re seeking an alternative preventative solution, consider medication. Remember, medication must be taken daily for at least three months to see results.

Finasteride Before And After: What Should I Expect?

Consistency is crucial when taking finasteride and dutasteride for hair loss. To achieve significant results, taking these medications daily for at least three months is crucial. Additionally, it is advisable to continue the treatment for at least six months to get the medication’s full effect. Discontinuing the treatment at any point within this period will result in a reversal of the results. Therefore, it’s essential to stick to the treatment plan to achieve long-lasting outcomes.

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How it works

How Can Vitamin Supplements Help?

It is important to note that hair growth pills, or vitamin supplements, will not reverse baldness. Vitamins can help to improve hair quality and growth, but they cannot cause hair to regrow in areas where it has disappeared. Below we’ll dive into each different type of vitamin supplement and how it relates to hair growth.

Finasteride Results

If you’re struggling with hair loss, consider Finasteride. This oral tablet, available as Proscar and Propecia, can work wonders for your hair. By reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and inhibiting Type II alpha-reductase, Finasteride can stimulate new hair growth and prevent further hair loss. Continued use of Finasteride can also improve hair density and speed up growth.

Dutasteride Results

Dutasteride can help with scalp or prostate gland issues caused by high DHT levels. As an anti-androgen, it inhibits 5α-reductase and reduces DHT production by 98%. Blocking testosterone, dutasteride has the potential to improve your condition. Numerous studies have shown its efficacy, especially for androgenetic alopecia. If you’re experiencing hair or prostate problems, dutasteride is a medication worth exploring.

Minoxidil Results

While originally approved for high blood pressure, minoxidil is now prescribed for hair loss treatment at lower doses. It lengthens the growth phase of the hair follicle while shortening the resting phase, resulting in stimulated hair growth. Minoxidil oral tablets can help boost hair growth and improve hair health. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor for proper dosing and usage instructions.

Are There Any Side Effects To Hair Growth Medicine?

Common side effects associated with Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Dutasteride can include:

More severe side effects can include swelling of your lips, tongue, throat, or face, depression, and lumps or pain in your breasts. If these serious side effects occur, please contact your doctor right away.


Discover Everything You Need to Know

Your hair is an integral part of your identity and self-esteem. So when you start noticing thinning hair, it can affect many aspects of your life and change how you feel about yourself. A hair restoration surgery is the best way to regain the natural appearance of your hair permanently, but it is only a decision you should make with careful consideration.

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Are you excited about regrowing your hair through the use of medication and want to know more? You can speak to one of our hair growth experts at American Mane to find out more about how we can help you with your hair goals.