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Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

Introducing Low Level Laser Hair Therapy

Hair loss is a prevalent issue that affects over 80 million Americans annually, impacting both men and women. While numerous hair transplant procedures exist, surgical treatments may not always be ideal for patients. That’s why at American Mane Hair Restoration Center in Aventura, we offer various alternative hair restoration options, such as low-level laser hair therapy, to help individuals combat and prevent hair loss.
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What Results Can I Expect From Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy?

During this procedure, a team of 5-6 highly trained professionals assists in extracting and implanting hundreds of grafts in one session. This enables you to achieve natural-looking results from dense packing, also known as high-density implants, where multiple grafts are placed into a tiny area to make your hair appear thicker and dense.

For more information on FUE Mega Sessions in Miami or to schedule a consultation, contact our office at (305) 727-4247.

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How it works

What Goes Into A FUE Hair Transplantion?

The FUE hair transplant timeline method involves extracting small groups of hairs that are then transplanted into areas of baldness or hair thinning.

Step 1

Before the FUE hair transplantation, your head is shaved, and a local anesthetic is applied. Using advanced technology, individual hairs are then carefully extracted and stored in environmentally-friendly, temperature-controlled containers. This meticulous process significantly enhances graft survival rates for implantation and greatly improves the likelihood of a successful and natural-looking result

Step 2

Once extraction is completed, microchannels are created in the scalp to assist in hair implantation. The micro-grafts are then implanted along the desired hairline and targeted treatment area for a natural, full appearance. These follicles are placed at a precise angle to mimic the natural flow of your hair.


Discover Everything You Need to Know

Your hair is an integral part of your identity and self-esteem. So when you start noticing thinning hair, it can affect many aspects of your life and change how you feel about yourself. A hair restoration surgery is the best way to regain the natural appearance of your hair permanently, but it is only a decision you should make with careful consideration.

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Contact American Mane In Miami For More Information

If you would like to find out more about this high-tech treatment for hair loss, contact American Mane today. We can help you discuss your options and arrange a free consultation.