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Synthetic Hair Transplant

In the late 1970s, hair transplants changed to Synthetic hair transplants. On this page, we explore artificial hair transplants, a captivating technique. This is not about wigs or hairpieces, but a surgical procedure transplanting individual hair strands. Let’s examine this remarkable procedure, its aspects, and step-by-step process.

How Do Artificial Hair Transplants Work?

Artificial hair transplants are an alternative treatment for those unable to undergo traditional transplants due to limited donor hair or health conditions.

The term “bio fiber” is associated with this method, which serves as an alternative to real transplants.

Complications like cyst formation, infections, and inflammation have led to the procedure being banned in many countries, including North America in 1983. Other countries followed suit.

How Do Synthetic Hair Implants Work?

Synthetic Hair Implants, also known as synthetic or biofiber hair transplants, involve transplanting man-made fibers to replace natural hair follicles. The procedure requires an initial consultation and medical tests to ensure the patient’s suitability. Observing the body’s reaction to the artificial hair is the next step before larger sessions can be performed. Polyamide fibers are used in the procedure along with an implanter pen and local anesthesia.

The implanter inserts synthetic hair strands into the scalp about 0.3 mm deep, resembling the DHI hair transplant method. Microchannels are opened one at a time during the transplantation process, and knots are placed under the scalp to stabilize the insertion of bio fibers.

After the transplantation process, new connective tissue grows, closing the wound channel and securing the artificial hair on the scalp. This procedure has been banned in many countries due to complications associated with cyst formation, infections, and inflammation.

Will Artificial Hair Transplants Give You Natural Looks?

While a biofiber hair transplant may initially create a satisfactory look, it cannot maintain this appearance over time. This is simply because it is not part of the human body. The artificial hair will eventually become lackluster, and after a year, it will start to deteriorate. Thus, to regain the original look, additional hair strands must be transplanted. The expense of this may be worrying, but there is also the added danger of infections which can lead to serious and irrevocable consequences.

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How it works

Are There Any Complications Associated With Bio Fiber Hair Transplants?

Although improvements have been made since its first introduction, there remains a major problem with synthetic hair transplants that haven’t been eliminated, which is the fact that

the body perceives artificial hair fibers as a foreign substance. In an organic hair transplant procedure, the body recognizes that the tissue belongs to the person, so no rejection or immune reaction will occur. 

Another important aspect of hair transplants with biological or semi-biological artificial hair being used is the fact that the wound channel in which the artificial hair is inserted cannot heal properly, which means that there is consistently an open entrance from the outside, creating an ideal environment for bacteria and other microbes.

This, in turn, causes the body to form a persistent immune reaction that inevitably leads to infections and inflammation in the scalp.

Some Other Complications


In conclusion, even though artificial hair transplants may seem to look promising for people who do not have any other option, it is important to acknowledge the fact that if they plan to undergo such an operation, they will also bear all the risks associated with it. While this method is not a permanent solution, some may still choose this procedure anyways. It’s important to understand the risks and complications before moving forward with this type of hair transplant treatment.


Discover Everything You Need to Know

Your hair is an integral part of your identity and self-esteem. So when you start noticing thinning hair, it can affect many aspects of your life and change how you feel about yourself. A hair restoration surgery is the best way to regain the natural appearance of your hair permanently, but it is only a decision you should make with careful consideration.

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Although we cannot offer synthetic hair transplant procedures, we still want to hear from you. The American Mane team can offer many alternatives that will give you fuller-looking hair and restore your self-confidence.